Website Development

Clark Pediatric Dentistry

  • December 5, 2023

Laick Design recently completed the new website for Clark Pediatric Dentistry located in St. John, Indiana. Dr. Clark reached out to Laick Design to design and develop their new website based on seeing some past work we completed for various dental clients in the Pittsburgh region.

Located in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, Clark Pediatric Dentistry is facing some tough competition in the Chicago-land area. By focusing on pediatric dentistry, they narrow down that focus to a particular subject. With that focus set, we went forth in building them a site that not only works on the computer but also on mobile platforms as well.

Since this is a new practice we will eventually add in some photos of the facility as well as online booking. For now, the site contains info on the practice, some of their specific services and contact and location information.

Check it out at: